I needed a few extra this week...
1. Let's start with Thursday The top three had a "human body" class at the local Science Center. They learned about the brain and lots of other cool body stuff.
2. While they were enjoying their class, I took an hour out to go for a run on the riverfront. It was only drizzling when I left but, about a mile in, it really started a drenching downpour. Guess that makes me a "serious" runner ;0) (or at least someone who doesn't carry cab fare)
The brim of my hat was dripping. It was just me and the geese.
3. Friday found us heading out to St.Vincent for class again but first I wanted to get us all to Mass (we went the previous week and I'm trying to start a trend). I have wanted for some time to go to Duquesne for Mass at noon but having emailed the Campus Ministry secretary that morning, my fears were confirmed...the only parking was in the garage across campus. The forecast was rain but I was really, really feeling called to it so off we went. The garage was full so I talked to the guy in the "overflow/visitor" garage. He checked the schedule and told me to go ahead and park. It ended up being the closest space possible to the outside and free to boot! We made it across campus in enough time and were blessed (literally and figuratively) to have the celebrant be DH's former high school classmate. Add some Adoration immediately following Mass and, well, there you have it. Make the effort and God will reward you handsomely.

On our trip back across campus. When pulling out of the garage we said, probably a bit loudly, "All the time, God is good...God is good ALL THE TIME!" Indeed, He is.
4. Our Jeep died (finally!) last week and I've really dreaded what comes next. The whole car buying process is a nightmare for me. So, I was thankful when my mom offered to sell us her Pilot to use as our second (with a radio no less!) vehicle. In turn, she downsized to a zippy little Civic. DH went with her. He's much better with car salesmen.
5. Today is Saturday and that means Little Kickers. Perhaps it was my already down mood or perhaps it was my middle child's down mood but, despite Blondie loving every minute, I'm kind of over it. Playing water boy for the two little ones while fighting with Mr. G is not my idea of a good time. Oh well, only like 6 more to go. LOL
6. I got to go run a bit after we came home so I'm not complaining. Why am I running so much and still so fat you ask? Because every other day is a party around this house! Today was combination #2 and #5, my April birthday boys. Uncle Dave made an appearance, as did Grammy and Great Aunt. The weather was beautiful. It was so good to share our blessings with family (and the cake was a desensitization exercise for #2 who is terrified of bees at the moment. lol)
We are so blessed to have my mom close by (and oh, wait, the Guinness may have something to do with the fat too...I blame Dave; he's just a good guest.)
Walkie-talkie Morse code with brother
Cute, right?
Brothers :0)
I love these pictures. I remember crowding around my sibs when they were opening presents. Good stuff.
6. If we ever fail to realize how very blessed we are, there seems to come along an instance of such terrific sorrow that we can't fully comprehend. I'm passing this on from a friend's blog. Please help as much as you can.
One more thing that has been on my heart and mind all day-- Yesterday, I
found out that a friend of a woman in our homeschool group lost her
husband on her way to the hospital to deliver their eighth child. Their
vehicle was struck by a deer, and he was tragically killed. I cannot
imagine having to go on to the hospital to deliver my child after losing
my husband, and what the family must be experiencing right now, in what
should be such a joyous occasion. There is a fund set up to help the
family. The father had minimal life insurance, and there will be
medical bills and a funeral to pay for, and they also want to provide a
short-term safety net for this newly widowed mother of eight. If you
feel called to contribute, here is the fundraiser for the family--
http://www.gofundme.com/s7hst8. If you pray, please pray for this grieving family.
Wishing you a happy Sunday. Please take the time to fully and completely give thanks for all of your blessings, big and small. God is good, all the time and He will never leave you.
We are blessed.