Monday, September 7, 2015


I think we've had this discussion before...the one where I am responding to a comment that I should be more "joyful" and explaining that, while I do have many occasions of joy in my life, I will never be a happy-clappy person. Now that we're all on the same page, I thought I'd give you a concrete example.

DH (I am so grateful for 3-day holiday weekends!) is outside with the kids trying to finish assembling his grill for the picnic today (he got it for Christmas...way down on the priority list). I am trying to work my way through the abundance of apples we picked a few days ago. While I'm listening to them playing outside and filling my crock pots with soon-to-be sauce, I'm also praying a rosary. I'm glad we've gotten into this habit. Having the kids say it with me a few times a week gives me a nice perspective on the days when I pray it alone. It's not a chore, it's a welcome break.

Since it's Monday, I'm praying the Joyful mysteries. I enjoy taking a walk through the Blessed Mother's life. I like thinking about how she had confusing times and happy times and worrisome times....just because her Son is the King of the Universe, she is still a mother! My favorite Joyful Mystery is #2.

The Visitation by Jacopo Pontormo

This is the mystery that never fails to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I'm not sure when it first happened but when I announce "The Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation" my dear friend always comes to me. I know it's probably because she entered my life during the baby years, hers and mine, and there were many greetings between us. It's likely the age difference is also right on target ;0) Over the years, though, it's more than that. This beautiful woman has become such a blessing to me. When we do "visit" it is such a joyful occasion. I feel connected to her and her family in a way that makes me know that our path is correct. She fortifies me on days that I am foundering. I turn to her when I need support or advice and I have no doubt I will receive exactly what the Holy Spirit intends. She listens and follows.

That is the joy that I have in my life. Not jump-up-and-down joy. Quiet, deep, comforting joy. The joy that comes from centering God in your life and being blessed to look around to find a handful of  others who are walking beside you.

I am so blessed. Happy Labor Day!

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