Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Our school year began in earnest this week and I'm reflecting on a few things for which I am particularly grateful...


Due to the out-of-sight-computer complication, we've largely disbanded the upstairs schoolroom and we are once again modeling the one-room schoolhouse. It has failed in the past so I'm even more sure that our new-to-us table has helped to turn the corner. It is wonderful to have enough room to spread out and do our individual things without infringing on someone's space. Truthfully, this is what my image of homeschool has always been...working together, side-by-side.

 This setup also allows for the older to teach the younger...they are discussing color mixing.

Hard at work with his "big boy" pencil case ;0)

Older kid teachers

Part of our religion curriculum this year includes an online Bible study. They watch the lecture on the laptop and take the quizzes as a group. It works well because the older ones have finally realized, if they know an answer, they can let a younger one answer who may be more unsure. It works really well since the first-born has also taken on the job of "TA" this year. I was getting lunch ready and I heard her saying things like, "do any of you know what it means 'to wander'?" and "What did God create on the third day?" Works for me...she is likely my equal on second grade religion at this point.

Supplemental Education

Blondie had her first "enrichment" class for a few hours this morning and this afternoon, the older two had a calligraphy class while the three younger were with Grammy (yes, that does mean I got to grocery shop and stare into space for over an hour alone today!). Tomorrow brings swim lessons and lectures on "community helpers" (think civics). We are so blessed to have so many good libraries in the area that we can pick and choose from for our extracurricular activities. I am especially grateful for the time I have with fewer or no children because of these classes. Without our sitter this month, it has been a welcome break.


When we started this gig, "socialization" was the biggest issue in my mind. Three years later, it doesn't even measure. The growth of our five together along with their sprinkling of friends...it's about as close to the "good old days" as you can get. That's just fine with me.

We are blessed.   

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