Sunday, July 26, 2015

Do you have faith?

I've already talked about how wonderful the St. Anne novena was this week. I'm happy to report that we attended 7 of the 9 days and prayed the other two at the Sts. Joachim and Anne windows at St. Bernard. We have been amazingly rewarded lately and I'm sure St. Anne has no small part in that. Also, the challenge from Fr. Gielow the last day we attended. He said "God can do anything! Do you expect a miracle? Do you have faith? Or do you still doubt?"

It was in my brain and came to the front several times this weekend.

1. Family Friendly Confession on Saturday

I have a friend who, despite also having a million little kids, goes out of her way to help other Catholic families deepen their faith. This was her idea and she brought it to fruition...a supervised playroom for the little people while the older kids and parents take time in church praying and receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. Brilliant. So simple I guess it just never occurred to anyone else ;0)

While taking advantage of my prayerful time and during the sacrament, I was able to have a nice discussion with Father about my anger at society and concern for my children's welfare these days. He commented that perhaps the most unfortunate thing I was doing was teaching my children not to have faith in God's overall plan for and protection of them. Again, so simple and so true. There are so many times I can see God's hand in my life but when it is less clear...well, I a lot more work.

2. Delivering a meal 

Our family is involved in the Martha's Ministry in our parish and, as I've mentioned before, we have been blessed to develop a wonderful relationship to one older man to whom we deliver a monthly meal. The kids love this adopted grandfather and he seems to look very forward to their visits. For one reason or another, I never have been able to go along to deliver the meals. Yesterday I finally made the trip.

I kind of knew, somewhere in my subconscious, that this was probably the case but upon meeting dear Mr. Ray, I was immediately transported back in time to my dear Fr. Al. The priest who first answered my call, walked me through a divorce and annulment, counseled me alone then with my soon-to-be spouse, all culminating on July 26, 2003, when he stood with us to witness our marriage sacrament. He was such a gift to my life and God saw fit to allow me to meet this other wonderful little Italian exactly 12 years later.

12 years ago to the day...our wedding rehearsal

3. Visitors and blessings

Today we celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary and the 5th anniversary of Blondie's baptism. We attended 11 AM Mass because the two older kids were serving. The blessings flowed all morning...we were able to see our old neighbors and catch up on their lives. We saw Mr. G's godparents and caught up with them as well. The best gift came when the introductory announcements began. "The presider for today's Mass is Fr. Brian Noel"...what????...Fr. Brian was our parochial vicar two years ago, he has since moved on, and the very priest to baptize the little Blondie five years ago! He was here to fill in for our pastor while he is on sabbatical. What a blessing to have him say the Mass we were attending to celebrate!

We missed saying hello to Fr. Brian because he had to rush out after Mass to drive North to say yet another Mass. Again, had I truly believed in the depth of God's love, I would have known that as we stood outside catching up with friends, ahem, Father would be coming out the side door to go to his car and drive away. Just enough time for a marriage and baptism blessing.

God is so good all the time.  'I have faith. Help my lack of faith!'

Sts. Joachim and Anne, Pray for Us!
We are blessed.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful!

    I love how blessings flow when we make extra time for prayer and adoration. Thank you, again, for the novena suggestion. Despite the sickness since we've returned (A is now down for the count) and broken dishwasher, etc., some really cool things have been happening during that time I'll tell you about soon.

    Happy Anniversary and baptism day!
