Friday, May 9, 2014

Gentle Woman

Today is the last day of school...Woot Woot!

I am so pleased when our beginning/ending of classes corresponds with a religious event. It makes it so much more special when we can add that to the festivities since God and His Church are the center of all things, especially school, at our house.

Today happened (not by coincidence!) to be the May Crowning at our church. The school kids do a great job; the kids (mainly Muffin) decided to not scream "Father" and "Jesus" the whole time; the day was beautiful. What a perfect ending to our school year.

It was an extra blessing for me. Since first finding out about our pregnancy in 2004, through all of our subsequent losses and births, to the decision to home school; each and every time we faced something monumental...I have always run to my Mother, knowing that she would intercede for me to Her Son.

It has worked so very well and there are still so many times that I need even more grace! I am such a fallen child. When I am overwhelmed with my vocation, why don't I always start by asking help from my Mother? Ug. So much more learning I have to do. Thankfully heaven is full of Saints, most especially their Queen, who are ready and willing to respond to my call. I will persevere to be more like the Gentle Woman I so admire.

So, we begin our Summer vacation (well, they do...I have to get a portfolio put together and evaluated). We are looking forward to some exciting trips in the Fall (mmmm, cheese), lots of fun Bible and science camps and LOTS of time at the pool! (like today would have been's 85!). We will be back in July with our "first day" pictures. Through good and bad, we have decided that we will continue this experiment. Today's park pictures remind me of why I started's so important to keep them together as a cohesive unit right now. I want the best peers for them now, while they are forming their personalities and consciences.

I wish you many blessings in this month of Mary. Turn to Her when you are rejoicing and when you are in trouble. Join Her in giving thanks to Her Son for all good things! We are so blessed.

Here are some photos of the day. I'm going to take a nap.


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