Friday, October 31, 2014

A few on Friday

since I have no idea how much time I have before some little person wanders in asking to eat more candy, let's get started...

1. Better Than Candy
Have you had them yet? Wow, they are awesome! Make sure you get the salted ones, though...I seem to keep making that mistake and then they're kind of pfft. The Sweets and Beets are also yum.
2. Our pre-Halloween
I figure the school kids are having their parties so we always make the rounds to the elder stateswomen in the afternoon. My aunt, mom and mom's neighbor always make a fuss and dump unreasonable amounts of candy on these little people. My mom is so cute...she even made them a "pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern". She is such a good Grammy :0)
Mr. "G"iraffe :0) Cutie

It was a tie between #s 2&4

Afterward, there were the rides on Grammy's chair...indoor Kennywood!
3. Art Class
The older two have been taking an art class through a homeschool group for the last two weeks. This session, they're studying Monet's The Japanese Footbridge.
I don't know a lot about the teacher but she must be fantastic. I sent her two semi-excited, non-artistic kids and she got them to do this (and talk about it...which means they were extremely excited). Can't wait for Seurat!
4. Teaching the Kids
Tomorrow is the last soccer game and the dress rehearsal for Sunday's show. The more important things is that it's All Saints Day. We usually dress for Mass but, since it's not a Holy Day of Obligation this year (really? come on people! - a quote from #1. She may or may not have heard it from me) we may go in our non-Saintly attire. We'll see how the morning goes.
Regardless, we will do our best to spend the day continuing our discussions from Wednesday. A HUGE help will come in the form of CCD Celebration Saturday (once-a-month meeting for homeschooled kids at our parish). They are covering All Saints Day and the service project after is Burying the Dead (for All Souls on Sunday) during which they will visit the cemetery, leave flowers, and look for Saints names among the dead. Yes, our DRE is AMAZING. The kids are so blessed with the opportunities she provides. Pray it doesn't snow :0(
I'll leave it at 4 since I'm out of time.
Wishing you a holy All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day. We are blessed! 



  1. Fun grammies are awesome. Those Monet replicas are fantastic!

    Happy All Saints Day!

  2. Wow - seriously impressed with your boys' art!!
