Monday, July 25, 2016

Lucky 13

The number 13 is a big deal around here...not just the whole Fatima story which, you know, for a Blessed Mother devotee such as myself is no small issue...but also my birthday, DH's birthday and Mr. G's birthday. Going way back, it was also my basketball number. Thirteen has been nothing but good to me for as long as I can remember.

So, maybe that's why I'm reflecting even more this year on our 13th anniversary. (forgive the photos of photos...I don't have time at the moment to scan)

We started it all here...

Yes, this was the worship site of a larger church but it seemed perfect for us. Small, understated, but pious and was where we attended most Masses. (It's now an Evangelical church of some sort and, humorously, it actually has a crucifix now, not just "Risen Christ" which always bugged me a bit...God is funny.)

My favorite picture of the whole day. Yes, it's a professional photo and yes it's that blurry. That is perfect for us...we don't have things perfect around here. It's good enough to see the crucifix, the joy on our faces, and our beloved Fr. Al. He would be off to his eternal reward less than a year later. I miss him so. I wish he were around to give his good counsel on my difficult days.

As "right" as the path was we thought we had planned after walking down that aisle, we could never have imagined how tried and blessed we would be thirteen years later. Babies lost to heaven and babies kept here on earth, extended family issues, moves, joys and sorrows. I am so grateful that this man has been beside me, growing in faith along with me. It has been a blessing to look back and realize how far we have traveled. It gives me good hope that we can, if it is God's plan, travel together farther down the road.

We never would have made a novena together early on in our marriage and this is the second year that we've made it almost completely through the St. Anne Novena (we missed one day this year...see the previous post). I am grateful to God for giving me a man who recognizes the importance of faith, of placing God first in this journey. He is present and faithful and a wonderful witness to our entire family.
Tomorrow we will begin our anniversary day with the final Mass of the novena (extra special because it's also the grouchy blonde's baptism day ;0)) then come home for school and pool and a celebration dinner. How many things we have to be thankful for! How many blessings we have received! How graced we have been to have Sts. Joachim, Anne, along with the Blessed Mother, guiding us always towards heaven, even during our most difficult days.

Sts. Joachim and Anne, Pray for Us!

We are blessed.

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