Today we celebrated the "last week of school" by attending daily Mass together. Tuesday is the day the two older kids always serve and this particular Tuesday is the feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel.
I'll spare you the entire story but suffice it to say that Our Lady under this name has been with me for a very long time. When I began the Catholic Mom's Group in 2008, it was this image that I chose for the group. After passing that torch on, I knew she would be the one to guide us as we entered the realm of home education for our kids.
From Fr. Lovasik, S.V.D
Our Lady of Good Counsel, I beg you to teach me true heavenly wisdom which was the source of every good deed you performed. Keep me humble that I may be able to receive your counsel. How often am I confused in the problems of life. How often I do not know where to turn. Advise me what to do. Give me your good counsel, so that following it humbly I may ever please God, find true happiness on this earth and eternal life in the world to come.
Mary, Mother of God, Our Lady of Good Counsel, I appeal to you for advice and guidance. Teach me to desire ardently all that is pleasing to God, to seek after it prudently, to accept it truthfully and to do it perfectly, for the praise and glory of God. I beg you to pray for me that by the light of the Holy Spirit and your direction, I may see my duty, and by God's grace and your help I may fulfill it.
You can find the background of the painting
I am so grateful for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In all honesty, I only briefly knew the background of Our Lady of Good Counsel and yet was always drawn to her. Praying over it, learning more about it, I can fully attest that the guidance was Divine. Let's see...Augustinian? Check. Prudence, Wisdom? Yes, please. Pope Leo XIII? Yes! (story for another time).
Our Lady is such a wonderful part of the life of a Catholic and I, along with DH, think it is right and good to ask her intersession to her Son for the grace, wisdom and prudence (see?) needed as we raise our children in the faith.
On this special feast of our co-patroness (along with
St. John Bosco) we were blessed to hear a wonderful homily as well. Our parochial vicar spoke about the account in the Acts of the Apostles when Paul was stoned to death but brought back to life. Paul, he said, was reinvigorated by the presence of the disciples around him...he was strengthened by his assurance that he was not isolated. Father spoke about living in society today and how, when speaking the truth (like God's word or even natural law), we can be persecuted and feel (or actually become) isolated. What a wonderful reminder to a homeschool family during a celebration of our Lady's prudence. Mary, let us not lose hope but bear all things and quietly ponder them in our hearts!
Since we don't wear them much outside of nationwide trips (so lost children may be more easily identified) today was a good day to break out our Academy shirts (complete with Our Lady of Good Counsel ;0) ). When we are clothed in this manner, something usually comes up...positive or negative...but we rarely just fade into the background. We call attention to ourselves and our faith. When I put it on this morning, I felt as close as I could to a priest donning his clerics. You can't deny your devotion or motivation.
Is this prideful? I don't know. I don't think so. If someone asks, I usually reply that Our Lady is my constant companion as I face my days of motherhood and the quote on the back from St. John Bosco is something we hope to instill through our home education...knowledge and morals. Thinking of myself even twenty years ago, I know it is only the Holy Spirit who could have gotten me to this place. God pierced my heart so that I might open my mind to Him. How blessed I have been by all the joys and trials since!
So after that rambling diatribe, a few shots of the (almost...Thursday is the actual last day) new graduates. I smiled when #3 said "I can't wait for second grade!" How blessed we are by the guidance of our Lady and her example of obedience to the Father. How grateful I am to be an instrument in His call to our children. How much I pray that the Blessed Mother, St. John Bosco and all the Holy Men and Women will beseech God on our behalf to aid us in our struggle against the isolation as we resist the lure of current societal teaching.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid - John 14
Even the principal was there! lol |
It stopped raining after Mass so we even had an outdoor shot. |
Giving thanks to Him from whom all blessings flow. How grateful we are to have this time to share with our children and witness the miracle that is human growth and learning. Happy Summer!
We are blessed.