Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Our Fifteen Minutes

Andy said everyone gets them so, here we are...

We are on the cover of a magazine. It is a homeschool journal so it isn't very widely read and any homeschool family is eligible to do it so it's not like it's some great prize we won. We are honored, of course, but aside from the kids' initial excitement of seeing themselves in print, it feels a little weird.

I know we're in no danger of becoming "famous" but there is something to it; it is palpable. People react to you in a certain way (positively or negatively but it's there, you are different.) I struggled a bit with writing the article because I wasn't sure I wanted to be "out there". You know, people see the article and think they know you and, even more so, can judge you from what they read on two pages. I did it because I was hoping our story might touch someone. As in many things we do that are "odd", I always hope the Holy Spirit will work with our successes and trials to make a difference to someone else. Any good that comes of our feeble attempt is His work.

I think I got my wish. Today in a parking lot a fellow mom came up and thanked me for the article and told me she very much appreciated some of the things I had said. A comment on Facebook (yes, I look...vanity) says, "This has just confirmed that this is what God is calling us to!"

Of course I know, for as many positive reviews there are, others will feel "less than" or will judge us unfairly. That wasn't my intention but it happens just the same. I certainly have days when I read an article about a family that looks like mine but does all sorts of amazing things. So, I will pray for all those who didn't find the article uplifting; that they may see God's wonderful work in their own lives.

Now I am happy to drift back into obscurity. I'm never sure how the moms pull it off who have famous blogs and a huge family and homeschool but I do know that will never be me. It's fine, of course, because that's my place and I'm happy. I love to work one-on-one with people who need help but I've never been the person who seeks fame. I leave that to Blondie ;0)

Oh, and just to make sure we stay humble, you might notice it says "8" questions when there are really only "7". It seems the proofreaders were all sick with the flu. Either which way, it is a great reminder to me that in my life, mistakes and graces are equally present. 

We are blessed.

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