Sunday, December 16, 2012


I know, I said I wanted a quiet, prayerful Advent. Sometimes life gets in the way, I suppose. What we've been up to...

First Penance

#1 made her First Reconciliation the first weekend of December. It was busy (probably 40 families there) but well-done. It was prayerful, informative, and a great introduction to the Sacrament. Afterwards we celebrated quickly at Dunkin Doughnuts (while Dad got his hair cut)

and more later at the home of some friends. They threw her a lovely party, complete with lamb cake!

(sorry, it won't turn sideways :0(  )

Happy Birthday to me!

On the 13th (Feast of St. Lucy, see below), I celebrated my 44th year by attending Mass with all my little people and husband, eating a wonderful oyster-filled lunch (alone with a book!), and hanging out with my family. I am so blessed with my life and so thankful to celebrate another year on this crazy planet. (No pictures because someone will, undoubtedly, come to the conclusion that I am pregnant when, alas, I am merely stout these days - not helped by the case of Guinness gifted to me by my delightful brothers)

The Tree Saga..continued

We have been enjoying the tree, in all it's natural glory, but took some time out on the Feast of St. Lucy to string the lights. We actually put them on the night before while the kids were asleep and there was a great deal of squealing when they came downstairs to see it the next morning. I'm rather enjoying this piecemeal decorating, especially when we can celebrate a Saint or two along the way.

(someone keeps putting the St. Nicholas stuffed ornament on when I'm not looking...kind of our own version of elf on the shelf)

Family Fun

In a perfect fit with Gaudete Sunday, we got to celebrate and "be joyful" with my family, all of whom made the trip to gather for our "Christmas Eve Feast" and celebrate the memory of my dad. It's hard to believe 15 years have passed since he went home. I feel like I see or hear from him almost everyday as I interact with my little people.

Along with the good food and enjoyable company, I am pleased to announce that 3 of our 5 little people like sauerkraut mushroom soup! They may have Italian names but there is Slovak in there somewhere :0)

Some photos of the event (which also includes a gift avalanche for my children...ugh. That's a battle I will never win).

 Cheese balls make us dance

 Our gift-opening accompaniment
The best gift we got all year!
The next week brings a few more days of school (we were going to push and try to reach 100 days but that's not going to happen), a birthday, and Christmas...the actual one! How exciting that we've almost reached that glorious day. If I'm not back before then, have a most blessed holiday!

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