I was at the mall today and all I can say is God bless the '80s.
First, there was a stylist at my salon last night with an asymmetrical haircut. I think she may have even been sporting the beginnings of a rat tail.
Then today, this...
I know the color is horrid but the ENTIRE store is FULL of NEON!!!
Ah, be still my heart. If only I would have saved my fluorescent yellow, bat-wing dress for Sil.
I am the fifth child of five, blessed with five little miracles of my own. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a counselor, a homeschooler, a practicing (though often failing) Catholic. My life journey has been amazing. I am blessed beyond my ability to believe most days.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
May Picture A Day continues...
1 (aka 22). PINK!
2 (23). Technology - An excellent app for tracking breastfeeding and diapers (who knew? There's an app for that!)
3 (24). New - Our brand new garden. Three kinds of tomatoes, eggplant, cukes, lemon thyme, basil, oregano and rosemary.
4 (25). Unusual - Little girl pausing for an entire book!
Just sayin...
For all of those who are in the camp of "they all look like their father". I present the latest example.
She's in first grade, I'm in third, but the look has some similarity, I think ;0)
She's in first grade, I'm in third, but the look has some similarity, I think ;0)
Wishing you all a Blessed Pentecost!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Are you done...
If you have more than two kids, or kids of both gender, you've probably heard this question. "So, are you done now?". I usually say "it's not really up to us" and leave the person scratching their heads. The arrival of baby #5 hasn't done much to change that. Don't get me wrong. Living with that level of uncertainty can be very anxiety-producing at times. I kind of feel like I'm running in place while the world (including my kids) marches happily forward.
What I am done with is a "storage room". As our eldest son closes in on the age we deem suitable to be upstairs, I am getting more and more ready to have this room look like a room and not a resale shop.
It's mainly toys and clothes so they can all go to good homes (except the bassinet - I have decided I cannot part with that). I am struggling with some days wanting to load everything up and give it away and other days sift slowly through everything; taking pieces of my babies to savor while letting go of the rest.
I do know that I'm entering that sad phase again and it's really a trial for me. Thinking that this is, indeed, the last baby makes me so thankful for what I have and so despondent over what will never be. Although it's difficult for my dh to grasp since I complain for nearly the entire 9+ months, I really love being pregnant. I even love the newborn stage with the late night and early morning visits to that new little person. I love the time to bond, just the two of us. What a gift! I am sad that this may be the last gift. How selfish, huh?
At the same time, I am enjoying the progression of these little people. Our eldest, when hearing that our pastor was receiving anonymous letters telling him what he's doing wrong, wrote him a beautiful note that explained how much good he was doing for the community. We have even been taking our evening walks sans the stroller, thanks to the Bjorn (which is now 11 years old!) and this handy contraption.
Who would have thought that Blondie would want to ride in it? Still, what little girl can pass up the chance of sitting on daddy's shoulders?
I love the thought of what we must look like when we take our treks up the main street. The other night, a man in his car stopped at the light, held up his open hand up and mouthed the word "five?" with an astonished look. We just smiled and kept walking.
No, buddy, I have no idea whether or not we're "done" ;0)
What I am done with is a "storage room". As our eldest son closes in on the age we deem suitable to be upstairs, I am getting more and more ready to have this room look like a room and not a resale shop.
It's mainly toys and clothes so they can all go to good homes (except the bassinet - I have decided I cannot part with that). I am struggling with some days wanting to load everything up and give it away and other days sift slowly through everything; taking pieces of my babies to savor while letting go of the rest.
I do know that I'm entering that sad phase again and it's really a trial for me. Thinking that this is, indeed, the last baby makes me so thankful for what I have and so despondent over what will never be. Although it's difficult for my dh to grasp since I complain for nearly the entire 9+ months, I really love being pregnant. I even love the newborn stage with the late night and early morning visits to that new little person. I love the time to bond, just the two of us. What a gift! I am sad that this may be the last gift. How selfish, huh?
At the same time, I am enjoying the progression of these little people. Our eldest, when hearing that our pastor was receiving anonymous letters telling him what he's doing wrong, wrote him a beautiful note that explained how much good he was doing for the community. We have even been taking our evening walks sans the stroller, thanks to the Bjorn (which is now 11 years old!) and this handy contraption.
Who would have thought that Blondie would want to ride in it? Still, what little girl can pass up the chance of sitting on daddy's shoulders?
I love the thought of what we must look like when we take our treks up the main street. The other night, a man in his car stopped at the light, held up his open hand up and mouthed the word "five?" with an astonished look. We just smiled and kept walking.
No, buddy, I have no idea whether or not we're "done" ;0)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Boys and girls
Hey, over here...the name's "G"
La, la, la...I am such a pretty girl, did you see my pink butterfly?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Glorious Day!
What a wonderful day around our house! The feast of Our Lady of Fatima, Mother's Day, DH's birthday and G's baptism. The baptism was so special. We were blessed to have it during the 12:45 Mass and that, along with our kids and the amazing godparents and 5 of their 6 children, made it such a glorious day. I am always humbled by God's love for us. The readings today could not have been more perfect - Love one another for God is Love!
One challenge - C has been fighting a fever since last night and went to Childrens about an hour ago because it had climbed over 105 degrees. I so dislike when little people are sick. Please keep her in your prayers that it is something simple.
Night night. It's been a happy but exhausting weekend!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Little boys and May Mart!
What is it in the makeup of little boys that will make them skip food, sleep, bathroom breaks...practically anything to witness construction work up close? That has been the situation here for the last few days
My sweet boy...doing what the DNA tells him.
New concrete steps - the object of his fascination :)
One benefit of having many children - your own private "bounce house" time!
My sweet boy...doing what the DNA tells him.
New concrete steps - the object of his fascination :)
May Mart!!!
If you live anywhere near Mt. Lebanon, PA, come down tonight for the last day of May Mart (or plan ahead for next year.) St. Bernard's festival is always a great time.One benefit of having many children - your own private "bounce house" time!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
May Photo-a-day
OK...totally ripped this off Crafty P but I think it's kind of cool. The idea is from fatmumslim and I see it as an awesome way to take a closer look at one thing a day (at least!). We'll see how I do. Check back for the updates. Clearly I have a few to catch up.
16. What you're reading
1. Peace
2. Skyline (Budapest, Hungary -2004)
3. Something you wore today
4. fun! (with Uncle Dave)
7. Bird(s)
6. you (but younger!)
7. Someone that inspires you (every day)
8. A smell you adore
9. Something you do every day
10. A favorite word
(recently uttered by little miss C for the first time ;))
11. Kitchen
Sorry, have to skip this one. No one is going to see my kitchen in its current state :(
12. Something that makes you happy
13. Mum
15. Love
Baby Nino :)

Not a lot of concentration at 2 AM and it is set in Pittsburgh
17. Snack & 18. Something you made
Ascention Jello for snack day :)
19. A favorite place
I love my house and all the stained glass windows
20. Something you can't live without
Monday, May 7, 2012
Hail, Holy Queen
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of
Our life, our sweetness, and our hope!
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to thee do we send
up our sighs, mourning and weeping
in this valley, of tears.
up our sighs, mourning and weeping
in this valley, of tears.
Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine
eyes of mercy toward us; and
after this our exile show unto us the
blessed fruit of thy womb Jesus;
after this our exile show unto us the
blessed fruit of thy womb Jesus;
O clement, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God
That we may be made worthy of the
promises of Christ.
promises of Christ.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Busy, busy, busy...
More random happenings this week or so...
Of course, being the lover of all-things-medical, she was out of her mind excited about the whole thing. I'm amazed she slept at all. It worked out well. She'll probably have her surgery over the summer.
In the meantime, if anyone knows how to remove adhesive from thick hair, let me know!
More shots from D's birthday. Yes, I decided to just do a family party. I was too exhausted to think about any kind of other-people festivities. He handled it well and we had a great time.
Little G-man has had his cord off for a few days but we were waiting for it to completely seal before the big day. His first baby-tub bath :)
Next week's fun - Nino's first swim lessons and G's baptism. Stay tuned!
Sleep Study
Our oldest has been snoring for a very long time and seems to be getting less and less rest. So, after the immediate needs of the boys and their ear tubes, it was her turn with the ENT. He ordered a sleep study to see if she needs her tonsils and adenoids out or just her tonsils.Of course, being the lover of all-things-medical, she was out of her mind excited about the whole thing. I'm amazed she slept at all. It worked out well. She'll probably have her surgery over the summer.
In the meantime, if anyone knows how to remove adhesive from thick hair, let me know!
Big boy turns 5!
More shots from D's birthday. Yes, I decided to just do a family party. I was too exhausted to think about any kind of other-people festivities. He handled it well and we had a great time.
First tub bath!
Little G-man has had his cord off for a few days but we were waiting for it to completely seal before the big day. His first baby-tub bath :)
Next week's fun - Nino's first swim lessons and G's baptism. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Sweet Baby James
First of May
And the light between us
Which we could not quite extinguish
Which we see at dawn
Burns on
First day of may
Things are beginning
Our side is winning
Hip hip hooray
Made in the shade
Deep in the shadow
Down by the meadow
Lie in my arms
And the moon will rise
Before our very eyes
We will rise too
I'll be with you
It's a rite of spring
A horizontal thing
The sweetest sort of dance
Hidden in among the plants
Ha ha ha ha
People are laughing
Children are singing
Come join the dance
And the walls around us
Which we kept at such a cost
When we turned around
Came tumbling down
Ha ha ha ha
She can't stop laughing
He can't stop singing
First day of may
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