Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Devil and Distraction

I have a few friends in total, most of whom I would count as extremely faithful people. Although most are Catholic, a few are not. I have great respect for people who come to the fullness of their faith in their tradition and live it genuinely. Long ago I worked with a devout Muslim. I knew if we were driving some distance, he would stop to pray on the side of the road at least once. His willingness to endure the honks and stares of others while he prayed was witness to me of his dedication to his faith. I think that is lacking for many people these days. Religion...faith is something that you go to when you're desperate or as a weekly routine...the meaning behind the motivation is missing.

So, it's easy to become distracted. It's easy to worry about the organization of your house or how much toxin is in the plastic cup you use. We spend a lot of our time distracted by articles and TV shows that tell us what we should be doing. We know what we should be doing...listening and following.

So, let's start today. Let's not be afraid. Look at what the pope says...a fragile faith is in great danger...be strong in your faith. Be not afraid (as a former-pope-now-Saint liked to say)!

I know you get tired of me talking about it so let's listen to someone in authority
Right, see? What we need to do is acknowledge that the devil is at work all around us...every day. He is there when we choose activities over faith or family time, there when we worry more about what other people think of us and less about what God thinks of us, there when we let society seep into our homes with unwelcome agendas...

a digression, kind of...we were instructed at Mass this morning to watch a local newscast because a "native daughter" (that's what we say at St. Bernard...) was going to be interviewed about the pope in DC. We made it through the first segment of the pope spotlight (not covering the young woman we hoped to see) and they launched immediately into "BREAKING NEWS....ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST FOUND GUILTY OF TOURISM SEX ABUSE OF CHILDREN". I wish I were lying. I wish it were just an accident that it happened that way. Guess what? The news is all about society and society is all about corrupting our kids so that they think anything that goes against God's law is normal...that and that all priests are pedophiles.

"Disfigure"...another good word. From the guy that everyone (except readers of the New York Times) loves ;0) 
The motivation for this post...I have two dear friends who have recently gone head-to-head with evil in their lives. I am certain it's because they are on the right path and, frankly, Satan is getting agitated. It seems counter intuitive but it is true and real...the closer you move to God, the more the Dark One throws stuff in your way to distract you. If you've read the Screwtape Letters, you know we distract ourselves plenty so the minions are standing around enjoying our destruction by our own hand. If we focus on heaven as our goal and move in that direction, be warned...it will come. But, have hope, as the pope says, "God is stronger!"  Amen.

I am looking forward to watching his visit as much as possible. I will be sticking to EWTN because I want my kids to watch as well.

We are blessed.

ps- today starts the Novena to St. Therese the Little Flower. If you miss today, just make it up tomorrow but do join in...it will give you something on which to focus!

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