Thursday, September 12, 2024

I choose not to decide


Which, according to Rush, is still a choice.

I will not decide in favor of those who choose to end life out of inconvenience, ultimately making the person in question less than a person.

Nor will I decide in favor of those who spout hyperbole, mock, or blame, ultimately making “them” less than “us”.  Those for whom I have to overlook much of the Church’s teaching and accept the choice as deeply flawed but the lesser evil.

“We are all the thought of the Creator. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary.” Each. Not a select few or only those who believe as I do. If you don’t believe it, turn off the news and do a little reading…start with Joseph Ratzinger.

Yesterday was the 23rd anniversary of 9/11. The priest reminded us that, after the events of that terrible day, the churches were full as were the confession lines. The evil that was perpetrated drove people to the one source of truth, goodness and love that they knew in their hearts – They wanted God and they longed to be wrapped in His mercy.

Yesterday’s Gospel was from Luke…the short version of the Beatitudes from Matthew with the “woe to you” part included. The reading literally spells out what to expect if you’re following God (blessed are you) or the world (woe to you).

Need more? Let’s turn to Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko, a young, Polish priest who was assigned to say Mass for the solidarity movement workers in Warsaw in the 1980’s. He was a devout man who used the Mass and the rosary, not strong words or weapons, to bring hope and God’s love to his people. He was ultimately ambushed and killed for his actions but his words to the people lived on and are so important even today…

”We fear suffering; we fear the loss of some goods, the loss of freedom, health, or job. This fear makes us act against our conscience and it is by means of conscious that we measure Truth. We overcome fear the moment we agree to lose something for the sake of higher values. If Truth becomes a value worth suffering for, worth taking a risk, then we will overcome fear that keeps us in slavery. On many occasions Christ said to His apostles: “Do not fear those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do”

I choose not to decide knowing that I may very well be poor, hungry, weeping, and ridiculed this time next year. I’m ok with that. The victory isn’t here. The struggle is here. I am not afraid because, in Christ and with His grace, I can withstand many things. I pray that, in the midst of the suffering, I remember to close my mouth and unite my suffering to His.

I trust that God is here, as He is in all things. He will allow or will whatever happens and the aftermath. I accept that now, as His will, and I am preparing for whatever He wishes to let happen in our country. I love my country but I love God more. This is fleeting and whatever time I have left on Earth will be used attempting to know and grow in the Faith and to teach my children that Truth.

Maligning our neighbor, killing the innocent, shunning the poor and the lost; these are not actions of love and Truth. God is love and we are called to love. I choose not to decide. I choose love.